Applying to US Colleges as an Expat

Applying to US Colleges as an Expat

The application requirements for expats applying to colleges in the US are fairly similar to those students attending school in the US, but there are a few exceptions to keep in mind. Although you are considered a domestic student, you do have the benefit of the international experience and hopefully language skills you have gained while living outside of the US. These are great assets to highlight in your applications.

What to do after you hit submit

What to do after you hit submit

After applications are submitted and the giant feeling of relief has subsided, there are a few things to keep in mind. Each school has their own timeline for when they will inform applicants of their admission decisions. In general, schools which have rolling admissions take 2-3 weeks, schools with November EA will inform you between mid-December and end of January, and schools with RD in January will inform you by end of February or March. What do you do while you wait?

Financial Aid Application Time

Financial Aid Application Time

As college application season is fully underway, it is important to learn about the primary financial aid applications and types of aid your student could receive. The two most common applications used by colleges across the US are the FAFSA and CSS PROFILE, and they need to be filed prior to each year the student plans on attending college. Both applications open on October 1, so prepare to get them started now.

Article on the FAFSA and CSS Profile

Article on the FAFSA and CSS Profile

As college application season is fully underway, it is important to learn about the primary financial aid applications and types of aid your student could receive. The two most common applications used by colleges across the US are the FAFSA and CSS PROFILE, and they need to be filed prior to each year the student plans on attending college.

All About the FAFSA

All About the FAFSA

The FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) is the standard form used by all schools to determine the amount of federal aid a student will receive. The application opens on October 1 each year and closes the following June 30. The FAFSA calculates the EFC (Expected Family Contribution), what the government considers a reasonable amount the family should be able to contribute to the student's educational costs whether or not a parent wants to contribute to their child's education.