campus tour

Tips for Remote Campus Visits

Tips for Remote Campus Visits

Exploring campuses virtually and doing proper research allows high school students to gather valuable insights and make informed decisions about their academic future. To make the most out of this unique experience, here are some tips for navigating remote campus visits.

Tips for Researching Colleges

Tips for Researching Colleges

While much of this advice applies to researching schools any other time as well, it is particularly important for today’s students to understand the many ways they can learn about schools of interest outside of an official tour. Students are choosing their final college or building college lists without having the opportunity to visit the schools, but they are not taking the time to fully learn about them. It is vital that they understand the continued importance of educating themselves on their potential colleges and universities and use the tools available to them to learn what they can.

Demonstrated Interest

A term which is somewhat unknown to many new to the college search and application process has been gaining a lot more attention recently. ‘Demonstrated Interest’ is real and very much alive! Although one can not be certain how much weight it has in the admission decision, it is not something to be brushed aside.



Last Sunday, I took a crazy red-eye flight home from what was a whirlwind of a trip to San Francisco. I almost spent more time traveling than I did in the actual city, but I used my time well! The purpose of my trip was to attend the Scholarmatch Coach Convening, a day of training and networking for all college coaches volunteering with them this year. It is my first year working with Scholarmatch and I am very excited about their mission. 

Parenting Your Child Through the College Application Process

Parenting Your Child Through the College Application Process

While helping your child search for and apply to college is an exciting time, you are most likely battling both of your feelings of stress and anxiety on the side. Here are several tips to tackle those feelings and help you and your student along the way.

Campus Visits Done Right

Campus Visits Done Right

What may seem to be a long drive for a boring tour given by an overly peppy guide who speaks faster than ever imagined possible is actually more valuable than most families think if done right. Giving the students a clearer picture of what they want and don't want from their future college, allowing them a chance to demonstrate interest to their top choices, getting their questions answered and showing them what they are working for and where they may be in a short time are all reasons not to forgo the campus visits. Here are 5 tips for getting the out of your next campus visit.