Student Career Assessment

Career Assessment

• Support career and college major choices through career and personality assessment activities
• Implement plan to help student explore and narrow down choice of careers and college majors

What Job? What Major?

Knowing what programs and majors you are interested in is an important part of choosing the right college. Students often choose a potential major with little exploration of what careers they are truly interested in and are good fits for them. Taking the time to really assess which careers align with a students’ interests, skills and personality is an important part of the college planning process. By helping students narrow down potential careers, we allow them to focus on the college majors that make sense. I can then help them build a list including colleges which offer those potential majors or even better, have specialized programs for them.

One third of students change their major at least one time during college and almost one third of students drop out of college during their undergraduate degree. A major reason this happens is because students do not see a clear pathway or motivation for their studies. In addition, students often do not graduate within the expected four years. This often happens because students change majors and do not have enough time left to take the courses needed. These are all very costly choices which could be avoided through helping students assess their options BEFORE college.

At ACM, one of my specialties is helping students narrow down their college major and career choices so that they can enter college excited about their future with a clearer goal in mind.