Applying to US Colleges as an Expat

While expat students are not considered international, there are a few additional factors to take into consideration as you apply. Below are a few tips to help you submit successful applications as an expat.

High School Curriculum and Grades

If you attend a non-American school, you need to be sure that the college understands your grading scale and curriculum. If your transcripts are not in English, you will need an English translation from a reputable or official translator (requirements vary by school). It is recommended to include a key to the grading scale with your translation. Typically, admissions offices have staff which are familiar with the various international curricula, but even if they aren’t, most will review the student’s application holistically without full grade and course conversions.

Your high school counselor or another school official can also prepare a school profile which is a great resource to provide colleges with an overview of the school. It typically includes information about the curriculum, graduation requirements, exams, grading system, demographics and class sizes, and any other important information that would help give general context of the school. This profile can be shared with all colleges the student applies to and should be written in English.

Proof of English Proficiency

Even if a student has a US passport, if English is not their native language or the language of the school they have attended, they will need to provide proof of proficiency. These requirements vary by college, but typically one of the standard tests such as TOEFL, Duolingo, or IELTS will be necessary. Students should familiarize themselves with the format of the test and do a bit of practice even if they are proficient in English. Luckily, these tests can be taken online at home. Although it may seem unnecessary, some schools require an English proficienty test even from expats attending English speaking schools. It is best to plan on taking one of the tests well before you apply to avoid last minute surprises!


Although testing is currently optional for admission to many colleges, getting a good score can still help you and give colleges another way to evaluate you, especially if you are attending a high school with a curriculum less familiar to them. Many international high schools offer the PSAT and SAT and/or ACT. If you attend a school which does not offer the tests or dates which fit your schedule, you will need to look elsewhere. This will take planning ahead as the locations and test dates vary and you should register for your spot early. Search the College Board website for upcoming SAT dates and locations near you and the ACT website for ACT dates and locations. Note that the ACT is only offered digitally at international testing locations while it is still available in paper format in the US. The SAT has gone digital everywhere.


It is important for students to begin their application process early. In contrast to many colleges abroad, US colleges have application deadlines as early as November of the student’s senior year. Students should take the time to familiarize themselves with the requirements for each of the schools they are interested in applying to well before then. Also, students who will need standardized testing should plan well in advance to give themselves time to register for the tests, prepare well and possibly retake them. Visiting colleges in the US from abroad may not be possible during the school year, so families should plan these in to their summer and longer breaks if possible. The college planning process should really begin by 10th grade at the latest so that students have time to explore their options and prepare well.  

Check out the other posts in our expat series for more tips regarding financial aid and application status for American expats applying to US colleges.


Notes from my Georgia Tech Visit


In-State Tuition and Financial Aid for Expats