international student

Guide to English Proficiency Tests for College Applications

English proficiency tests could be an application requirement if you are an international student, non-native English speaker or attending a school which is not in English and/or in an English-speaking country. With several options available, it's important to understand the different tests and admissions requirements.

How to Apply for Financial Aid in the US as an International Student

How to Apply for Financial Aid in the US as an International Student

Studying in the United States is a dream for many international students seeking quality education and diverse experiences. However, the cost of attending a U.S. university can be a significant barrier for students no matter where they are from. In this blog post, we'll explore the process of applying for financial aid as an international student at U.S. universities.

Tips for Remote Campus Visits

Tips for Remote Campus Visits

Exploring campuses virtually and doing proper research allows high school students to gather valuable insights and make informed decisions about their academic future. To make the most out of this unique experience, here are some tips for navigating remote campus visits.

Applying to US Colleges as an Expat

Applying to US Colleges as an Expat

The application requirements for expats applying to colleges in the US are fairly similar to those students attending school in the US, but there are a few exceptions to keep in mind. Although you are considered a domestic student, you do have the benefit of the international experience and hopefully language skills you have gained while living outside of the US. These are great assets to highlight in your applications.

Digital SAT Tips

The digital SAT has successfully debuted internationally and will most likely remain the only form available for international students from now on. Many are a bit apprehensive about the switch, but so far the feedback has been mostly positive. Here are a few highlights and tips for the new digital SAT.